26. 12. 2008.

Su le finestre mostra a tutto il mio cuore che ai acceso

For the past two weeks, I have been sitting in "my" room, "my" being a very wide term to describe this room where I sing, play the piano, write blogs, knit, make teddies, read and do a plethora of other activities in, usually on my own or sometimes with hubby in the armchair next to me, always with his laptop atop his lap, mouse in hand, without any curtains. This may seem like a strange state of affairs but the basic fact of the matter is that I'm just too plain lazy to put the curtains up. As is the custom in these here parts, I washed them just before Christmas (as I did most of the nooks and crannies in the house) but haven't had the strength to get up on a step ladder and stick approximately 50 pins through 50 holes and put them up. Now I've gotten more than used to being "curtainless".

I particularly like being "curtainless" while I'm singing. See, I have a view of the backyard and the field behind our house from the window. And although the trees are bereft of their leaves and the grass has turned a sickly yellow and the plants are languid at the moment, it nonetheless fills my heart with joy to see this view. Particularly the day before yesterday when some birds came to listen to my singing on a tree about a metre and half from the window. My first "real" audience, I thought, cool, this is nice.

My curtainless room also reminds me of my current state of mind. I too feel curtainless. Namely, because I finally sat down today and wrote that email to that radioman, the email I have been planning to write since I came back from France in September but have been too chicken to do so. But I feel the time is right, despite the fact that my stomach is in a knot and my heart feels as though it's going to jump out of my chest and I feel completely and utterly exposed - to ridicule, laughter, criticism. But I said to myself, Songbird, it's Christmas, it's a time for making wishes and for making them come true. JUST DO IT! And I did. So wish me luck. I'll definitely keep you posted on the outcome - if there is any, that is! But even if there isn't, I won't give up. I'm too Taurean to do that!

And here's the song that inspired the title of this post. Sing it almost every day. Won't make it on the CD unfortunately, doesn't fit in with the concept swimming round my head, but I love the song anyways.

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

What's the email about?

I like curtainless... i feel that way too but, as you can surmise, you kind of need them this time of year....that sun's a shinin' strong!! (when it actually is shining ;)

hope you & Ivan are well, the kids, and your mum!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

The email was about how to go about recording a CD. I'm sure nothing will come of it, but like I said, I'm not gonna give up that easily!

And thanks for asking Ross - we're all more or less good. Hope you and yours are all well too! Wish I could see you and Zara at the Basement :)

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

It sounds so beautiful: "My curtainless room". It could be the title of a song, or a poem.
All your post sounds like a poem in fact.
I suppose you are determined to be known as a singer so I send you all my support and illusion to do it. I'm sure your voice is curtainless too.
My best wishes for the New Year

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, Diablo. Great hearing from you - I missed you :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed all goes well but I'm not hanging my dreams on the radioman's star. He's very, very well known in these here parts so I'm not so sure he'll get back to me. But we'll see what happens and if nothing happens, in the words of Kander and Ebb, "I'll just move on".

Take care and all the best for the New Year to you and your family too!