09. 12. 2008.

Fact is stranger than fiction

My son and I were walking along the streets of Vienna on the Saturday evening of our visit, on our way to the Musikhaus, when suddenly, the most exquisite streams of music came from somewhere on the street ahead of us. We were in Kaertnerstrasse and my ears were in bliss from the melody gushing towards us. It was the most heavenly female voice singing Mozart's "Ave verum corpus" - one of my favourite songs - and we rushed ahead to see who it was that was singing. Imagine my astonishment when, horror of horrors, it wasn't a female singing but a bona fide male. A male singing much better than many females I've heard, waaaay better than I can or ever will be able to sing! And it was then and there that I decided - when I grow up, I wanna sing like this castrato:

I have always been fascinated by castrato singers - even read a couple of novels with castrato singers in them, both set in Venice. But honestly, how many men would be willing to sacrifice their manhood for their art? Nowadays, probably none, although this was not always the case, albeit the young male had little or no say in the matter. But look at what wiki says about the effects of castration and decide for yourselves whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages:

Castration before puberty (or in its early stages) prevents a boy's larynx from being transformed by the normal physiological events of puberty. As a result, the vocal range of prepubescence (shared by both sexes) is largely retained, and the voice develops into adulthood in a unique way. As the castrato's body grew, his lack of testosterone meant that his epiphyses (bone-joints) did not harden in the normal manner. Thus the limbs of the castrati often grew unusually long, as did the bones of their ribs. This, combined with intensive training, gave them unrivalled lung-power and breath capacity. Operating through small, child-sized vocal cords, their were also extraordinarily flexible, and quite different from the equivalent adult female voice, as well as higher vocal ranges of the uncastrated adult male. Listening to the only surviving recordings of a castrato, one can hear that the lower part of the voice sounds like a "super-high" tenor, with a more falsetto-like upper register above that.

I I were a guy, I'm not sure if I would be willing to give up my sexual identity for my art. But upon reading the wiki article - the vocal range of prepubescence is largely retained, unrivalled lung-power and breath capacity, voices that were extraordinarily flexible - I would consider for just a millisecond of a millisecond of going under the knife. Of course, I would never do it, but imagine the possibilities that would lie ahead? If nothing else, I would make quite a killing busking the streets of Vienna, 'cause I can tell ya, the Viennese castrato had quite a booty in that little hat of his...nonetheless, at the end of the day, I would prefer that my booty remain intact between my legs instead of having it lying on a street somewhere...

4 komentara:

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

Yes, I would also prefer not being a Farinelli though I suppose the castrato singers would never think about their condition. Too hard to put up with it.
On the other hand, it's so disgusting to think about the pain and horror that suffer young girls in the world because of the ablation. If it were done to make them sing beautifully...
But you are right, once more, fact is stanger than fiction.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

We live in a very, very strange world, Diablo. There are so many things I just don't understand about it. Like I tell my friend Davor, maybe I'm just too wide eyed and childish...

redgrevillea kaže...


I didn't think the castrati existed anymore, but it apppears they do..

The quality of the vocals is quite extraordinary, eerily so...you can hear that plaitive lost innocence in the beauty of the melodic strains and high tones, different to as you say, the adult female voice.

Interesting what you say about the limb growth and unparalleled lung power.

Great piece Mary and thanks for sharing!

How did Christian enjoy Vienna?

ps, am at work computer now, not at the funky home broadband! ;)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Christian loved Vienna, so much so that he cried when we were leaving. I felt like crying too but I think people woulda looked at me weird ;).

But it was so funny when we were listening to the castrato - Christian must have asked me at least 3 times "does he have balls?" to which I answered "go ask him yourself.". Funny, but clever (sometimes too much for his own good) kid!