02. 10. 2008.

Baby, you can drive my car

I had my 11th hour of driving lessons today. You also could say that I started learning at the 11th hour. A bit old for an absolute beginner, aren't I? I sort of regret that I didn't start learning to drive early on but circumstances prevented me from that. Namely, an accident my mum had with a bus. She was driving me to school in Bankstown and was going round a corner parallel to a bus. Thing is, the bus didn't see me and my mum next to him and "crushed" us going round the corner. On my side. It wasn't anything as major as it sounds, but nonetheless, I sort of lost my appetite for driving from that moment on...and still haven't found it.

I have to admit that, so far, I hate driving. And that's an understatement. Can't think of a stronger word than hate at the moment. Too late in the day. Remember how I talked about how much I love Mondays now that I go to choir? Well, any day I have a driving lesson is a day I loathe. If hubby and the kids see me ranting and raving and storming round the house, listening to AC/DC or Lou Reed full blast, they knows that a driving lesson is looming. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, I'm totally and utterly untalented at it. I'm uncoordinated. I was never good at piano because of it. Dancing too - two left feet I've got. I can't see the "wider picture". Went through a yellow light today, for example, 'cause I looking at how fast I was going. Second of all, drivers in Zagreb are, to put it bluntly, complete and utter bastards. These are people that, for example, honk at foreigners waiting too long at a traffic light. Hey, the guy is from out of town! He doesn't know where the hell he's going! Third of all, I don't really like the idea of getting around in a car. I prefer walking, taking a tram or riding my bike. The world goes by a bit slower, get to take a better look at things, smell the roses if I want. Can't do that driving at 120km/h, can ya? And fourth of all, I don't like the idea that I'm contributing to climate change, increased pollution, spiking oil prices. I'm a drop in the ocean, I know, but lots of drops make an ocean pretty quick when you think about it.

Having said that, I would like to have the added flexibility and freedom that driving offers. No more waiting for Mr. Hubby to take me to Dolac, Zagreb's green market. Oh no. Sit in the car and I'm there in 20 minutes or so. Or choir. Or French lessons. Or coffee with a friend. Or a midnight movie. See, that's a concept I can live with. Do what I wanna do, be what I wanna be, yeaaah.

Well, we'll see how it goes. My instructor doesn't keep me for after driving "lectures" ("you did this, you didn't do that, you shoulda done this, bla, bla, bla") like he does his other pupils - which sometimes keeps me waiting a good 15 minutes for my lessons to start! So that's something positive. But maybe it's because I'm older than him and could lecture him if I wanted...don't know...might drive round to his house and ask him when I get my license...

2 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Drivers in Zagreb share that in common with drivers in Sydney...complete and utter bastards!!

I came to driving later than a lot, age 23, and I recall that after 2 months I felt that I couldn't do it. I believed I just did not have the driving mojo while the rest of the world did. Mary you'll find it'll just click one day, it'll happen and you'll find yourself driving naturally, it really is a very simple and logical process. Your brain & reflexes act faster than your mind. That will happen when your mind is confident enough to relax and let your body do the driving. It will happen, and you'll be a good driver.

Having said that I remain non-plussed about driving. Sometimes it can be fun - such as night time when there aren't that many cars around. Other times it's a pain. That's why I mix driving with lots and walking and bussing. I wouldn't have it any other way!


Keep at it!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

In Croatian we have a saying - from your mouth to God's ear! Here's hoping it does eventually click :))) At the moment I'm feeling most frustrated, as you can tell from the post...but yes, I will keep at it, for as long as oil supplies and prices permit...