26. 10. 2008.

Under pressure

I'm feeling a bit lazy today. Nah, I'm lying. I gave the kids a bath and put them to bed about an hour ago, just put out the rubbish, am in the process of making bread (it's still rising at the moment), just finishing making creme brulee (I'm gonna take it out of the oven as soon as I finish this post), prepared tomorrow's lunch (honey chicken wings with fried rice) and am waiting for a load of washing to finish so I can put it up. So I don't think I could call what I'm feeling lazy. Beat would be a better description. I try to fit in about 20 minutes of nap time or siesta during the day, but just didn't have the time today. Like many days before. But what can you do? As el diablo would say, nada, hasta la vista, baybee.

But I couldn't leave my little legion of readers high and dry, now could I? Love ya all too much for that. So I'll post a song for y'all. I've said on a number occasions to various friends that if I were a man and could sing like anyone I wanted, I'd choose to sing like Freddie Mercury. Love the guy. Adore him. Frankie's my number one guy but if I could sing like anyone it would have to be Freddie. Freddie basically kicks ass. There's no middle road with him, no half ways, it's either all the way or no way. The emotion he exhudes may be a bit too much for some, a bit OTT, often crass, but not for me. I've said in previous posts that I just don't go for singers who don't give at least 100% to their singing. Freddie gave 500%.

So as an ode to all the God damn housework I do on a daily basis, here's one of Freddie's and Dave's finest, "Under pressure", 'cause that's exactly how I feel about it all sometimes :

3 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

It won't be long until I get UTube (ie, broadband) and will be able to watch all these posts!

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

By sheer chance I came to work listening "Innuendo" by Queen (I agree, Freddie was unique)
In your post I've found the words siesta and diablo so I've had the feeling you were writing about me.
Relax yourself and send (if you can)a piece of honey chicken wings.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

No worries! Seems no one wants to eat them over here (my kids are veeeery fussy eaters) so some chicken wings are on their way to ya :)