10. 10. 2008.

A fine romance

I don't know, but I've been feeling a bit down lately. To be honest, I've been feeling a bit down for a while now. I don't know if it's me or the weather or the global situation, but I can't seem to get out of this funk I've been in. To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I've been missing a bit of romance in my life, and that's why I'm in this funk. This is how I've been feeling:

A fine romance, with no kisses
A fine romance, my friend this is
We should be like a couple of hot tomatoes
But you're as cold as yesterday's mashed potatoes
A fine romance, you won't nestle
A fine romance, you won't wrestle
I might as well play bridge
With my old maid aunt
I haven't got a chance
This is a fine romance

A fine romance, my good fellow
You take romance, I'll take jello
You're calmer than the seals
In the arctic ocean
At least they flap their fins
To express emotion
A fine romance with no quarrels
With no insults and all morals
I've never mussed the crease
In your blue serge pants
I never get the chance
This is a fine romance

See, I'm the kinda gal who cries at the end of "Pretty Woman", "Love Story", "An Affair to Remember" and all the rest of those soppy movies. I cry when I hear that a friend's going through a hard breakup. I cry when I listen to "Ne me quitte pas" or "La chanson des vieux amants" or "Cry me a river" or other emotionally charged songs. I'll admit it - I'm a romantic sissy, sop, baby.

I remember the first time a boy held my hand (Canterbury Football Field, 1983, Anthony Michael) and my first "real" kiss (Johnny Vrkic's car, 1988). I remember the first time I set eyes on hubby (coming off the Croatia Airlines bus in front of the then Intercontintental Hotel, 1992) and all the rest of it.

And I miss those thrills. You know, when your heart starts racing, your pupils dilate, your hands get all sweaty, you feel a bit dizzy by it all. Then he reaches out to kiss you and the endorphins set in and you feel as though you'd just taken a dose of the world's most exquisite opiate. I miss all that. I miss someone reaching out to hold my hand, brushing his hands through my hair, taking me out to dinner and a movie, playing a nice song on the guitar for me. Miss it all. I can't tell a lie.

Maybe I'm just asking for too much. I mean, honestly, how can you keep a romance alive with 3 kids, a rabbit, 2 turtles, a myriad of washing, cleaning and cooking, a high pressure job which requires umpteen hours in front of the computer in the wee small hours and just over 12 years of marriage behind ya? No bloody way.

But I'll try to keep a positive about it all...at least I've got my blog to keep me warm...

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

And I've had Holly the Golden Retriever to keep me warm!! That was my romance for the week!

I'll miss the dog! Lovely animal, full of love and joy.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

You're absolutely right Ross. Nothing like a lovely animal to keep you warm - so full of love and joy.

I really think I have to go down to the local RSPCA soon and get me a dog. Maybe that's really what's missing out of my life...

Unknown kaže...

honey, you don't miss a thing, i swear :)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Ha, ha! You might have a point there Davor :)