23. 10. 2008.

Mean streets II

I am speechless, overtaken with grief, remorse, anger, total rage. The mob have struck the streets of Zagreb again, this time taking out the editor of the Croatian magazine "Nacional".

We hear your message, mob bosses, we hear it loud and clear. But we, the people, are gonna overcome, not you guys, God damn you all!

RIP Puki...

4 komentara:

Unknown kaže...

Maybe I'm not a very good person, but I feel no sadness. A Mobster journalist, a mobster lawyer, a mobster politician, a mobster mobster. They have ruined this country and are manipulating us all the time and I can not feel anything for them.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

You're a good person, don't say that you're not :)

I'm sad about his passing away 'cause I kinda liked the guy. I don't like the situation with his wife, but I did like his appearances on that Nova TV show that I can't for the life remember it's name...

But most of all, I'm God damn angry about it all...like you said, the mob have ruined this country. But I truly believe that we shall overcome...we have to, or we'll be living in Nuovo Palermo, not Zagreb...

Unknown kaže...

You swear a lot lately, think of the nuns in that catholic school of yours :)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Ha, ha! True, I have been swearing a lot lately, but only 'cause I've been feeling a bit p***** off at everything going on...

As for the nuns, most of them are probably six foot under by now and are turning in their graves listening to me ;)