05. 01. 2009.

Watch what happens

I remember my mum always telling me stuff like "Every cloud has a silver lining" and "When God closes a door he opens a window". And the older I get, the more I realise how true this is. After the upsetting episodes of late, which thankfully have passed, I received some really great news yesterday. Interesting that this news came to me on "Epiphany". The radioman got back to me and says he would like us to meet next week. He would have scheduled something this week, he said, but all the recording studios are closed (off skiing apparently. Did someone mention a recession???). But next week, gravity takes its hold and life goes back to normal after the silly and skiing season. So he'll be able to let me know how to go about recording a CD.

When I first read the email, I almost dropped my BeBe. My stomach was in a veritable knot and I felt the acid slowly making its way up my esophogus while my heart rate went from 60 to 600 in a matter of seconds. In short, I got a full on anxiety attach. See, besides you guys out there in the blog world and a few very close friends, I haven't told anyone about wanting to record a CD, let alone a music professional (besides Ross of course!). And I've never had any contact whatsoever with a recording studio or the like. So it's like, this is it man, it's friggin' happening. What now???

Well, ride with the tide, baybee. I know that it's gonna be a hard and rough ride, but along with the lows, I've got a feeling there are gonna be a lot of high and exciting waves out there for me to jump onto. Here's hoping, man!

And of course I'll let you know how it goes next week. What, you think I wouldn't??? Who else is listens to ranting and raving besides you guys, God love ya all.

4 komentara:

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

I'm vey glad to know this. The fact that it came in Epiphany makes it even more special.
Well, we're following on line a long and desired moment. Now I'd like you to go on telling us the new experiences, step by step.
Enjoy it, my friend!!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Thanks, dear friend. You know that you and my other blog friends will be the first to know how it goes :)))

redgrevillea kaže...

Have fun with it Mary, run with the tide as you say, it'll be a blast, just do love it and enjoy it!!! ;) Then...it will come out superb. Put the love and pizzaz into it and it'll reward you back in spades.

I think oesophegus is spelt with an o but I'm not sure about the rest of it me reckons i BOTCH'd it!!! ha ha! (late...gotta get some sleepy...)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

You're absolutely right, Ross. It is spelt with an 'o'. I also noticed some misstakes in the last sentance too :). But I wrote this in such a hurry and flurry, I didn't have time to check it all. Well, I take comfort in the fact that Mozart was absolutley hopeless when it came to spelling, ha, ha, ha!!!

Take care, Rossco and I hope you'll post s'thing about the B'ment soon - when you sober up as you say :)))