16. 01. 2009.

Ode to a failed driving exam

I flunked my driving exam today, flunked it with flying colours. It all started so well. There I was, driving perfectly - slowing down at curves, stopping at red lights, looking into my blind spot - would have made Schumacher proud. Even the examiner commented on how well I drove. Then it all went downhill. When he asked me to park. Not park, I thought, not park! But park I had to. Blotched it, of course, completely and utterly blotched it. And then the mistakes started piling up. But the last nail in my coffin was that I didn't stop for a pedestrian. I just knew that would happen! And that was it - a big, fat F, for failure.

So I've been down in the dumps all day. I tried to not let the failure get to me, really made an effort not to, but to no avail. Guess I'm just too God damn sensitive. Always have been. So to try to make myself feel at least a bit better, I started thinking about a few of my favourite things. And then I thought, why not write them down and try to get them to fit to the tune of "My favourite things"? So here it is, a few of the Knitting Songbird's favourite things, set to the tune of the original classic. Try not to get a hernia laughing:

Schubert and Mozart and Webber and Gershwin
Edith and Ella and Eva's Imagine
Going to choir and hearing us sing
These are a few of my favourite things

Eclaires, Valrhona and piping choc chaud
Creme brulee, bischottentorte and macarons
Whisking egg whites for pavlovas with wings
These are a few of my favourite things

When my teacher shouts, when I fail my test,
When I'm feeling mad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Paris and Venice, Vienna, Normandy
Quimper, Denon, Madrid, Burgundy
Wonderful places with memories that cling
These are a few of my favourite things

When my teacher shouts, when I fail my test,
When I'm feeling mad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so bad

And here's the original and definitely the best. And don't worry, I won't be giving up my day job - not for songwriting anyway!

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

You didn't stop for a pedestrian?? That could get very messy!!!!

Parking doesn't matter....but..you gotta stop for pedestrians! :-0

Really, forget about it. You keep doing these exams until you pass, and when you pass, you're driving and that's done, end of story!

Just go in there and hammer it again!

You'll be fine Mary, and you will be driving in no time at all. Driving tests and the word "failure" are antynomous (?) and meaningless. You didn't pass but why put that horrible word with the big fat F description onto what happened??? You didn't pass and you keep doing the test until you do pass and when you do pass you're in forever and you forget about it and it's over.

Besides...when you kept saying big fat F I thought you meant something else!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Agreed Ross - parking isn't that important but pedestrians are!

And I will try to forget about it and get back on the horse again. As I said on Facebook I have to "pick myself up, dust myself off, start all over again".

You'll have to send an extra strong dose of good karma come next exam time though :)))

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

Fantastic!! You've made me sing it. I only miss a word: What about Demel? I'm sure it's one of your favourite things.

Don't worry about your failed exam. Next time you'll be double proud.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Ha! Ha! I actually put Demel in the 2nd verse but didn't think it would work. Yes, it is definitely one of my favourite things and can't wait to go there again :)))