27. 11. 2008.

Wien, Wien nur du Allein

Well, not quite. But nonetheless, tomorrow I'm off to the city of apple strudel, wiener schnitzel, the waltz and Sissi (my daughter's favourite Viennese idol).

Now, Vienna isn't my absolute favourite city in the world but it is definitely on my Top 10 list of favourite cities. And even though it is a bit "northern" for my taste (I prefer the sultry Mediterranean countries like France, Italy and Spain when it comes to holidaying), it does have a certain charm that lures me to go back time and time again. Sauntering around the countless parks, gardens and palaces, feasting on a piece of cake or two and coffee at Demel or Sacher daintily served on a silver tray with a white lace napkin and a glass of water on the side, going to see the latest exhibition (and Vienna certainly does have the finest exhibitions in close proximity to Zagreb. I'm gonna see Van Gogh tomorrow), gazing wide-eyed at all the magnificent Art Nouveau buildings (my favourite period of art). I can certainly see why the city inspired such geniuses as Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Strauss and Beethoven among others.

Better go now, have to get some zzz's 'cause it's a 5 o'clock wake up call tomorrow morning. I'll leave you with my favourite "Viennese" song. I know it's corny, I know it's old-fashioned, I know it's soppily romantic but I just love it. Sort of like Vienna really. And a lot like me too, come to think of it.

So bis bald Wien or see you soon Vienna. And hear from you soon my dearest readers. Promise to post lots of pics upon my return!

3 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

I should meet you there! Astral travel comin' right up!! ;)

Wouldn't it be great if you got paid to travel around Europe, you don't go back to marketing, rather, they pay you to do go cafe-ing and market-ing throughout Europe, now wouldn't that be the life!! ;)

And of course, a trip down under occasionally yadda yadda yadda!!

xo r.

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

Bye Sissi Songbird.
Your readers stay here watching the clock, dancing the waltz of the hours...

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

The Songbird has landed, with a thud I might add, after 3 days of flitting around Vienna. Will post some stuff as soon as I come to my senses.

Astral travel. Aah Ross and Diablo, wish ya coulda been there too, you both would have loved it I'm sure - a Mozart/Haydn concert on Friday, the musikhaus yesterday and Mozart's house (well, one of the 13 he rented when he was in Vienna!) today. And of course, a visit to Demel everyday!

Being paid to travel around Europe? Maybe singing? Only in my dreams me thinks ;)