04. 11. 2008.

Keep it light

I was talking to my mate Davor today. Nothing heavy, in fact, quite the opposite. We're meeting in the city tomorrow and we were discussing where and when to meet. Quite out of the blue, the words "keep it light" were uttered during the course of our conversation. And when I later stopped and thought about those three little words, it struck me that that's exactly what I have to do - keep it light, that is, my life. I've been in what some might call a broody existential mood lately, questioning the universe, life, love, death, self vs I and whatnot. So I thought I might make today's post, and my life, a bit "lighter" if you will. Here's a song my mate Ross and I have discussed in a couple of posts, a song I've been meaning to post in a while but other more urgent issues had precedence - Caramel by Suzanne Vega.

There are so many reasons that I just adore this song. First and foremost is the tres francais ambiance it exhudes. You can picture the dimly lit cafe somewhere on Paris'Left Bank, filled with the scent of cigarettes, red wine and perhaps creme brulee, French being talked in the background, Suzanne in a LBD in the foreground on a miniscule stage with nothing for company but a piano and her voice.

Which brings me to reason number two why I love this song so much - is there anything more French than comparing one's love of food with one's love for a lover? Nope. And that's sometimes how I feel about love - just like I feel about food. Should I give in or should I hold back? Should I take that one forbidden bite that is a moment of bliss on the lips but an eternity of pain on the heart? I have to say that, despite the drawbacks, I more often than not give in to temptation, unlike Ms. Vega. I mean, hey, life's too short, ain't it? Enjoy it (and the caramel!) while it lasts.

It won't do
to dream of caramel,
to think of cinnamon
and long for you.

It won't do
to stir a deep desire,
to fan a hidden fire
that can never burn true.

I know your name,
I know your skin,
I know the way
these things begin;

But I don't know
how I would live with myself,
what I'd forgive of myself
if you don't go.

So goodbye,
sweet appetite,
no single bite
could satisfy...

I know your name,
I know your skin,
I know the way
these things begin;

But I don't know
what I would give of myself,
how I would live with myself
if you don't go.

It won't do
to dream of caramel,
to think of cinnamon
and long
for you.

And here's the video clip, another reason why I love the song so much. It's precisely the kind of video clip that soppy romantic me would like to make - with "An Affair to Remember", "From Here to Eternity", "To Have and to Have Not" and all the rest of those timeless Hollywood films in the background. Just divine...

This is for that certain someone for whom it won't do to stir a deep desire, to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true...

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

"my mate Ross" !! They can't get the Aussie out of you yet girl!! ;)

Suzanne Vega is the ultimate honey-pot. She's one of my favourite artists. Her music kind of represents an old-world class. I equate her music to Anais Nin's literature.

Suzanne Vega's new album is brilliant. In style and tone it's not unlike her first eponymously titled debut of 1985, perhaps it's a bit happier, confident in approach, and full of lovely musical bits.

I keep meaning to do a piece on SV but don't have the time it seems...there will be more time soon! ~ here's hoping.

It amazes me how you find to do all the things you do and run a household!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Totally agreed Ross. She's definitely not your "typical" 80's kinda singer. Very retro, very classy, very French I would say. Guess that's why I like her so much.

As to time, that's why I went to sleep at 2 last night. Put the kids to sleep, made lunch for today, baked some bread, put some washing away, wrote the blog, did some knitting and just dropped dead. Wish there were more hours in the day but c'est la vie :)

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

I was glad when I saw you visited my blog. Thank you.
I like to read yours because it's useful for me to practise English. For this reason I was looking for blogs written in Englsh for a long time. None of them seemed to tell interesting or funny things. Until I found yours. I like the things you write and the style you use.
I suppose you don't understand Spanish, anyway here I am, lying on the grass of a park in Zagreb, listening the music of the knitting songbird

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Oh wow, you're too sweet Diablo. I've been trying to "keep it light" over the past couple of days, but life's circumstances sometimes make me feel more like a lead balloon instead of a helium one. But your comments have just made my day, so thank you!

And no worries! I've officially become one of your "followers" even though I don't understand a word you're saying! When I get a bit more time, I'll put some of your posts in an internet translator. My friend Davor says that they apparently exist. In any case, I really like your photos and the whole look and feel of your blog, if you know what I mean.

Until soon,