01. 11. 2008.

All those people, all those lives, where are they now?

I once again did a stange/unusual/out of the ordinary thing today (besides play the piano, which I also did). I took my 15 year old Manfrotto tripod out, something I haven't done in at least 5 or 6 years. See, hubby, babe and I took a trip to Mirosevac today, one of Zagreb's major cemetries, to pay a visit to hubby's gramps and gran. So I thought, while I'm there, why not take a couple of snaps of the countless candles and graves, which is otherwise impossible to do without a tripod? So I did.

Unfortunately, many of the photos fell far short of my expectations, so I've made a resolution that should the singing career ever take off (fingers crossed!) the second thing I'm gonna buy is a proper digital SLR, preferably a Nikon. I've had enough of someone else doing the work and me not having total and utter control over my photos. I wanna put a little more elbow grease into it, do a bit more experimenting, have more control, know what I mean? So here's hoping...

And in case you're wondering, first thing on my wish list is a new dishwasher...

I'll leave ya with one of my all time favourite Smiths songs (still know the lyrics after 20 odd years), "Cemetry Gates":

2 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

My mum mentioned to me it was All Souls Day. She asked me if I could take her to the cemetary sometime to see my dad. I said yes, soon, and we'll go into Gardens'r'us at the same time.

It'll be nice to return home for a while and hang out with my mum.

Wonderful photos Mary. You've got the knack. We should take photos of each other. I get annoyed handing people my camera and all I get back are a few lame snaps. ...but we're a bit far away to be taking photos!

My camera is a 'bridging camera' specifically, it looks like an slr and is sort of half-way there.

ah, Life...not just a dairy!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

We'll definitely take photos of eachother when I come to Oz or you to Cro. The only other person I trust taking photos of me is my friend Davor, he's absolutely brilliant.

Just listening to American Tune going aaaah...

And give your mum a big hug and kiss from me :)