24. 09. 2008.

A change is gonna come

I listened to Otis Redding today. Now I haven't listened to Otis in at least 2 years. But I needed his earthy, soulful voice today to take the edge off. I've been feeling terribly tense and stressed out these last couple of days. See, I'm entering a very important astrological phase at the moment, an astral triad. Now don't ask me to explain what exactly it is, which planets it involves and whatnot. I just know that it's a more or less once in a lifetime occurance. This is the time to either be or not to be, it's now or never, this songbird can either spread her wings and fly or stay roosting in her nest until God knows when. And I don't feel like roosting no more.

But big steps have to be taken if I want to take flight. I know where to start - I have to contact my friends at Radio 101 to see how I can go about recording a CD. But what if they laugh their heads off when I sing with my treacly, quasi Julie Andrews voice? What if I fall flat, bang on my face? What when they ask me, what songs I wanna sing? What style? I think I can do a max of 5 - 6 songs at best. Which ones, which style, I've no bloody idea. I like a lot of stuff - jazz, classics (wince!), soul, folk, Frenchie stuff...now besides the tension in my neck and back, I'm starting to get a headache...

Then I need a pianist. Where the hell do I find one of those? I don't wanna record something with a bloody backup tape. I want the real deal. I want someone who's gonna follow my moves, who waits for my pauses, who keeps my pace. Yeah, I love how Eva, Edith and Ella do their stuff, but I don't think it's right to copy them word for word, letter for letter, note for note. Then it wouldn't be the Knitting Songbird singing, it would be a very, extremely, horribly bad imitation of some pretty phenomenal women! But who's gonna want to accompany my treacly voice?

So yeah, I've got the tension, I've got the headache, I know I could fall flat bang on my face, but I know that if I don't do it now, I'll never do it, I just know it, astral triad or not. I'm bloody 37 years old, for Christ's sake! And I'll always think of what could have been. This songbird needs to dust off her wings, she needs to fly, she needs to sing no matter what...a change has gotta come, man...

And here's the wonderful, fabulous, king of soul himself, Otis Redding. Yeah, I like Sam Cooke's version of this song best, but Otis does a pretty bloody good version too!

Take care,
The Knitting Songbird

2 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

I Love Otis Redding!! Have the groove, the soul, pulsing through your psyche as you push to get these songs recorded. Activate the process. Bit by bit what you need to do will come to you to act on, and the song choices will fall into your sky at the right time(s).

Go for it!!!
And have a good night's sleep to ward away the tension headache & neck ache.


The Knitting Songbird kaže...

It's so strange and inexplicable, I just know I have to do it. How, with whom, which songs, I've no idea. I just know that, like you say, when I activate the process it will all fall into place.

Thanks so, so much for your support Ross, you don't know what it means to me,