14. 09. 2008.

Caro mio ben

I'm feeling a bit lazy today and will just copy-paste a lovely video for ya all to watch. It's one of my favorite "classical" songs, although I wince at the word "classical" because it's actually baroque...and it's sung by one of my favourite "classical" (wince!) singers, Cecelia Bartoli. I'll write a list of my favourite "classical" (wince!) pieces one of these days...

This one's for mio Giovanni, take care in Vienna.

BTW, if you've got a bit of time, check out Cecelia's "Alleluia" by Mozart. It's truly amazing!

Caro mio ben (My dear beloved)
Giuseppe Giordani

English line-by-line translation © John Glenn Paton

Caro mio ben,
My dear beloved,

Credimi almen,
believe me at least,

Senza di te languisce il cor.
without you my heart languishes.

Il tuo fedel
Your faithful one

Sospira ognor.
always sighs;

Cessa, crudel,
cease, cruel one,

Tanto rigor!
so much punishment!

Caro mio ben,
My dear beloved,

Credimi almen,
believe me at least,

Senza di te languisce il cor.
without you my heart languishes.

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