12. 09. 2008.

A bon appetit il ne faut point de sauce (a good appetite doesn't need sauce)

Now, anyone who's a serious foodie knows that French cuisine is the greatest in the world. And who am I to disagree with them? But I'd never really experienced true French cuisine up to now. Yeah, I've been to Paris before and some of the food I had was truly exquisite (creme brulee in particular!). And I like to cook the occasional French specialty. But Paris and my kitchen ain't France. If you want to really experience the country, you gotta get out of the city and go to the sticks. And that's exactly what Davor and I did.

So after an exhausting day and night of travelling (we left Zagreb at 5am and arrived at our first hotel at 2 am the next day. It was almost as if we had travelled to Australia!), we hopped to it and went to Dinon, Bretagne. Dinon is a charming place, one of my favourites on our trip, and we had a lovely time there, walking around, taking photos, breathing in the atmosphere. But as the day went on, we began to get the munchies. So we went to the nearest restaurant that had a spare table (we had to go to at least three before we found an empty one!). Now, Bretagne is not only home to the most marvellous seafood in the world but also to crepes. So while Davor ordered a seafood salad, I ordered a crepe with, what else, but cheese. And man, was it good!

But the best part (for me anyway!) was dessert. You all know I have a very sweet tooth and love my chocolate. But there's a whole plethora of sweets that I love, and I would have to say that macarons are in the top 5 (my friend Davor will never understand why...). I felt like a schoolkid in a candy store when I saw that myriad of colours staring at me from the pattisserie - white, cream, brown, pink, purple, red, blue. How could I choose??? So I did the typical Mary thing and had a chocolate one and a raspberry one. Mmm, my mouth is watering at the thought of them...

Like I said, Dinon was one of my favourite places that we visited in Bretagne. Here are some snapshots to show you why. Hope you enjoy them:

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Divine!! The food (& chocolate descriptions!!), and photos.

I'm packin' my bags!! ;)

...but I gotta chain tied to my leg, embedded deep into the granite-rock of u-know-where! ;)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Ah Ross, I think you could get out of the granite if you wanted to :)

But there's so much to see in Oz, wish I'd seen more of it while I was there...

Unknown kaže...

Mary, thanks for writing this, since I'm so lazy. But it's Dinan, not Dinon :)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Thanks Davor! And sorry about that!

You'll have to write me a list of all the places we visited.

There were so many I've forgotten all the names :)))