23. 09. 2008.

Stuff - no comment

I ain't gonna write anything today. All I'm gonna do is reaaaally urge you to watch this video. Fascinating but bloody scary stuff...where the hell are we going, man, I wanna know...?

Please pass this on to your friends, colleagues, family, everyone you know...we really need to change our consumer oriented societies and buy less stuff...especially stuff we don't need...


Take care and think about your stuff,
The Knitting Songbird

2 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Hey Mary the video looks fab. And when I upgrade to broadband & new computer, ...um, more 'stuff' in other words!..., I'll be able to watch it in superfast ADSL+ Broadband glory!!

Very good message though. We'd be a lot happier without our contraptions, and electro-magnetic radiation zooming through our bodies.

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

I've been keeping away from "stuff" for a while now. I have to say that I backtracked in France though - too much beautiful "stuff", like candles, kitchenware, books, etc., for me to resist :)

But I'm back on track now and am happy for it!