30. 08. 2008.

I have a dream

Who can forget the inimitable Abba, the, to me, ultimate Euro pop band, the band that entered the scene like a supernova way back in 1972. I have to admit that I'm not embarrassed to admit that I loved them and still do. There was a period when it was uncool to admit you liked Abba and suppressed the feeling but then "Muriel's Wedding" came out and all those old childhood memories came flooding back - me with my pigtails, in my kneehigh Abba socks, cycling circles around Belmore Park. And I started listening to them again.

I think that one of the first albums I put on my record player as a child was an Abba album. I can't for the life of me remember the name of it but I know it was black and the band members were in a kind of "circle", girls standing at the back, boys kneeling in front. I liked Frida 'cause she was dark haired like me and was always, even though she usually sang lead vocals, seemed "second best" to Agnetha who was "the girl with golden hair", the pretty one. I didn't have golden hair and most certainly was never the pretty one, far from it, so Frida was a hero.

They mixed so many styles - from disco in "Dancing Queen" or "Waterloo" to the latin-esque in "Fernando" to moving ballads like "I have a dream" or "One of us". During their "out" period I dismissed their song writing as dumb, crass, bubblegum stuff. But listening to them now, I have to say that that perception is totally wrong. I mean, who could compare a break up to Napolean's ultimate downfall or a soldier in the Mexican revolution or sending out an SOS like Abba did? And compared to today's pop standards, Bjorn and Benny were bloody Mozart and Beethoven!

Way back when, I liked the high energy stuff, "Mamma mia" and "Ring, ring" were my favourites. But I now prefer the more "high brow" stuff, if you can call an Abba song that!!! Two of my favourite songs nowadays are "I have a dream" and "Thank you for the music", in particular the latter. Although I'm not the "girl with the golden hair" or "have a talent", the song rings so true to me. The lyrics go like this:

I'm nothing special, in fact Im a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
cause everyone listens when I start to sing
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And I've often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan


I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!

Now, it would be a huge lie to say "I have a talent" 'cause I don't. But I don't think that's the entire point. Nothing can capture my heart like a melody can. And so, I'm gonna try and make my dream come true 'cause as Abba says "If you see the wonder of a fairy tale you can take the future even if you fail".

Why not give it a try even if I do fail? We learn from our mistakes, don't we? And isn't life too short not to go after your dreams? So when I come back from France in a week and a bit, I'm gonna write an email to my friends at 101 and see how I can go about recording a CD. I know I ain't gonna be an Eva or Ella or Edith but hey, I can be a Mary, can't I? Will keep you posted :)

And here's the song:

Take care and go after your dreams,
The Knitting Songbird

3 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Abba were quite good - good songs, excellent productions, and to my ears, some very inventive and musically very clever bass parts. They were good musicians no doubt about that, and for native speakers of Swedish, their lyrics were able and smart, ...a touch ornate imo! ;-)

Mozart & Beethoven???? ...um...let's not get hysterical here!!! ;-))

Follow your dreams and do what you're moved to do creatively. CD is a great idea. And stop comparing yourself disparagingly!! :-| You have high intelligence and creative capabilities...with the best of them mind you, so out there and do it!!!

I imagine this blog is opening up your creative channels...that's what I'm finding with the blogging,

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

They were Mozart and Beethoven compared to some of the stuff that you can hear on the radio nowadays :)))

And yes, the blog is definitively opening me up creatively and otherwise!

Keep bloggin'!

Anonimno kaže...

hmmmmmmmm, sometimes I could scream with frustration at the things you say about yourself. I don't know how you can say that you don't have talent. What you have is a blessing and not something to be ridiculed. You have a voice, you use it and I know you are proud of it in your heart of hearts...don't be so afraid of what other people think of you...because you are not Ella, Edith or Eva...you are Mary and she is talented, ambitious, creative and beautiful! (Just like Frida is.)