31. 08. 2008.

It was seven days ago today

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Oh man, didn't I (and still do) love that album. I'll never forget when I first bought it. It was 1988, I was a hormone infested Year 12 pupil and "it was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play". To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its original release they re-released it as a limited edition red vinyl LP. And being a mega Beatles fan I just had to have it. But I wasn't the only one and had to reserve my copy from the record store near my school. Thankfully, they knew me well and said "no prob, bob!". What bliss it was holding it in my hand and then playing it on my record player...I played it over and over again, knew all the words off by heart, could dissect almost all the millenia of E major scales in "A day in the life", laughed at some of the songs and stopped and pondered others...

And so time goes on and this year marks 40 years since its original release. Sergeant Pepper has "been going in and out of style" since then and apparently the album's not as highly rated as it once was...which makes me think of my blog. "You're such a lovely audience", but I think I'm a bit of a bore and am considering giving up. It's been seven days since I started this blog and I've received a few comments, both good and bad. But like Julia Roberts says in "Pretty Woman", it's easier to remember the bad stuff. But then a friend and fellow blogster said "why should you care what other people think?", which is absolutely true. And so, I've decided to stick to it...for now...

Anyways, here's a great song from the album, one of my faves, written by the "quiet Beatle", George Harrison, "Within you without you". And the lyrics hold true for all of us, this blogster included - "Try to realize it's all within yourself, No-one else can make you change, And to see you're really only very small, And life flows on within you and without you". RIP George...

4 komentara:

Anonimno kaže...

My Friend Jay (who worked with me a couple of years back and my 'cafe' buddy) is in Liverpool living with his girlfriend and working in Liverpool Royal Hospital...last week was the "Beatles Festival"...I was so jealous....Hard Days Night is still to me one of my favourite and one of the funniest films of all time!

And Ross is right you are tapping into something that you clearly enjoy...why would you give it up! Please don't!

redgrevillea kaže...

Yes it remains a magnificent, enthralling album and one I still love to keep spinnin' occasionally! You know one great aspect of the album is McCartney's bass playing, it's just masterful. As you suggest in recent years it's not touted as the finest Beatles album.....but it is one of the best...it's all a matter of personal opinion and taste.

I agree with MER, if you enjoy doing this, don't give up! You do write very well and everything you type comes from a very interesting & intriguing place. At it girl!!

As you know I'm involved with Kilbey's blog and that has its dangers, people can be prickly, aggressive, throw darts and that does get me down sometimes to be honest, but I realise you just gotta keep being true to do what you do, eventually you'll stand tall!

ah, rainy Sunday afternoon here, almost glad the weekend is over ! *sigh*

redgrevillea kaže...

ps, yes, Hard Days Night is a terrific film too!! :)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

It was a comment from a very, very close friend that freaked me out a bit. But we sorted that out and all is now well. I'm gonna put my next post on the site in a minute :)