27. 08. 2008.

Love me tender

It's funny where you can find inspiration. I was walking across the field behind my house today and saw a plethora of butterflies fluttering by, orange, blue, yellow, white, without seemingly a care in the world and was totally mesmerised. I had to stop and take a longer look. So long I was almost late for my bus! But I just adore butterflies and couldn't resist. And I knew that my friend Davor who I was meeting up with would understand if I were late because I was watching butterflies. That's the kinda guy he is.

But most of all, people inspire me. Eva Cassidy, Ella Fitzgerald, Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Vince Jones, Nana Mouskouri, Freddie Mercury, Jim Morrison, Valborg Werbeck-Svardstrom, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Che Guevara, Lorca, Frida Kahlo, Magritte, ...the list goes on and on. They've all touched my life in their own special way. But the people who inspire me most are the people I know, my family and friends. I look at them as jewels in this crown we call life, each of them making my day dazzle in their own special way. They're the ones who inspire me to be better than I am, to pick myself up (or pick me up themselves) when I fall, to do what I wanna do and be who I wanna be.

It wasn't because of some sort of 'fad' that I started writing this blog. Two very dear friends from different sides of the planet inspired me - my friend Ross (http://rossmusician.blogspot.com/) and my friend Davor (http://www.cromagnon.bloger.hr/). I read their blogs religiously every day and can't wait for their new posts. I'll never have a blog as good as theirs but I hope that it'll at least be somewhat readable...

Now my friend Davor has inspired me in the most curious way, a way I thought I would never be inspired. He's inpsired me to write a romance novel. Yep, you heard right, a romance novel. Here's the deal: he starts a story on his new blog (http://ljubavni-roman.bloger.hr/) about a certain 'Bea' and the readers have to finish it. When I read about the idea and the story itself, I almost fell off my chair - both in utter surprise and in laughter. I loved the idea of "finishing" a romance novel, it's the absolute height of kitsch and corniness! And now I've decided to take on his challenge. I'll definitely let you know how it goes. I've got a few ideas running around my head but I know that the couple will originally get together because of their mutual love of music and Elvis (hey, it has to be total and utter kitsch, right?).

May you find inspiration wherever you go,
The Knitting Songbird

PS A huuuuge thank you to all my family and friends: my mum, my children, Maria, Ross, Rinaldo, Jorge, Davor P, Irina, Sinke, Davor B, Baldo and my colleagues from choir, Madame and my colleagues from the Alliance Francaise and my best friend in the world (even though he still hasn't even looked at this blog!!!) Ivan. Love ya all!

PPS Thanks Davor for the plug on your blog site :)

4 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Hey Mary, thank you for the kudos, ...*shucks*, y'know! :))

I agree with you, people are inspiring because people are also fascinating and ultra-dimensional in the way nothing else can be...all the things we love spring out of people.

Good luck with the novel! Should be fun, Elvis always makes things fun!! ;)

btw it was Steve Kilbey's blog that inspired me to online-scribe, you should take a look if you get a chance, www.stevekilbey.blogspot.com.

I'm gonna check out Davor's blog...write now!!! ;)

Talk soon, Ross
just checked it, it's in another language!! :-0

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Yeah, it's a pity Davor's site is in Croatian - I think he'd be a mega-international hit if he were in English!

I did check out Steve's blog once. Don't know why I haven't been back since, I enjoyed the read...will do that soon.

Anonimno kaže...

All your talk of butterflies has reminded me of my walks through the "my" botanic gardens.

What I love about that place the most is that every time I am there I find a new place to cherish or discover a new part of nature I'd never noticed, last year just after the blossoms had disappeared, the tulips all wilted away in the dirt and the first of the humid weather was coming on, I found myself in an especially thick bit of undergrowth and all of a sudden I was surrounded by white butterflies...it was such a lovely experience, like being in the enchanted forest and once again I was late back to work :)


The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Oh man, the botanical gardens...it IS like a magical forest...I'm a bit of a weirdo but I was always fascinated by the cactus section...looking at those succulents in full bloom was just amazing...