24. 08. 2008.

What can I say?

Yes, what can I say. Except that I've been sucked into the world of blogs. I resisted it for a while, it seemed a bit, I don't know, technical for me I suppose and I'm anything BUT technical (just ask my husband - I can barely change a lightbulb!). But after having read the blogs of a few great friends of mine (who, I might add, write fabulous blogs) I decided, oh, what the hell, let's give it a try. Don't have much to lose except a bit of my time and dignity...

I don't have very high hopes for this blog, I look at it more as a diary of my thoughts, things I've done, recipes I've made (I'll post a yummy recipe for lemon semolina drizzle cake tomorrow), songs I've sung or aspire to sing, things and people that inspire me, most especially things and people that inspire me. My Lord, there's so much inspiration out there, it's sometimes overwhelms me. So much stuff going on and so little time...I'm sure a lot of you out there will agree with me...

Well, that's it for now. I'm gonna do a profile of myself now. How selfabsorbing is that gonna be?!?!

Take care and be very healthy, a little wealthy and most of all, wise,
The Knitting Songbird

PS I bet that some of you that know me are thinking "The Knitting Songbird, what's that all about?!?!?". Well, it's the three 'P's that keep me sane everyday - pjevanje, pletenje and pecenje or in English, singing, knitting and baking. I love to knit and adore Eva Cassidy who was the ultimate songbird so it's an ode to her and my love of knitting that I named my blog The Knitting Songbird. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have named my blog the Baking and Knitting Songbird....too late now!

PPS You're probably asking yourselves about the horse photo too. Well, I've gotten back into horses after a 30-odd year break thanks to my daughter and the Viennese lippizaners I saw in July (the photo is of a Croatian lippizaner).

3 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Mary...welcome to the blogworld!!! :)

You write well, hey, you've already posted your second blog I've noticed, you're cookin'!! ;)

I look forward to reading, you're a fanciful, sensual & artistic person with a lot of good things to share, I think you'll derive a lot of satisfaction from this journey.

Will have to read post no.2 tomorrow, I really have to go to bed!!

But welcome! ;)

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Thanks Ross! You and my friend Davor were my inspiration. I'll never compare to you two guys but hey, as you say, I think I'll get a lot of satisfaction from this journey nonetheless. I have to go catch some zzz's too so I better get going. Take care dear friend and keep writing!

McMahon'sRV_ConsumerWarning kaže...

Mariah Carey is the "ultimate songbird", though Eva Cassidy was decent