14. 03. 2009.

I believe I can fly

I often take a walk with the kiddies through Old Culinec. Old Culinec is a picturesque little suburb adjacent to ours with lots of cottages and farms and very little traffic. It's a wonderful place, a place where the kiddies can see chickens, ducks, turkeys, even cows up close and where we can all breath in some fresh air.

About a year ago, while we were walking there we came across a baby bird in the middle of the road. It wasn't moving so we assumed it was dead. To our surprise, when we approached it, we realised it wasn't dead at all, rather, seemingly unable to fly. It wasn't even walking, it was just sitting there lifeless, one could almost say resigned to its fate - that it would be stuck there forever, never to be able to fly, most probably to be run over by the next car. Now, being the person I am, I couldn't just leave it there. I thought, what are we going to do? So I picked it up and threw it into the air, literally threw it into the air. And lo and behold, it flew. It flew right up to the nearest tree. And what a beautiful sight it was, watching it fly, striving to what its destiny really was - to fly, to live, to be.

That's exactly how I felt when I first talked to Doodeaux about a month ago and how I always feel when I talk with or email him. This is a man that once said "I think people are going to write wonderful songs for you, with specifically you in mind." Or "your wings are like the heavens." I cried when I read that in his email. Who wouldn't? I'm crying writing it now...

It's funny how silly and banal our first encounter was. But boy, what did it lead to. He approached me at choir and started some small talk with me. How are ya? What ya up to? Blah, blah. Anything but deep and meaningful or life changing, just small talk. But then the conversation took a turn:

"So, Knitting Songbird, what do you do in life?"
"Well, I work at 'The Firm', but it's not really what I want to do."
"What is it you want to do?"
"This is a bit embarrassing, at my age and having the evidently dream job I have, but what I want to do more than anything is sing."
(I laugh) "Yeah, sing."
And with absolutely no qualms he says "Then we have to record you."

And that was that. Doodeaux gave me wings where other people have tried to clip them, to prevent me from flying, to keep me caged rather than do what I truly believe my destiny is: to fly, to live, to be. God bless him.

3 komentara:

redgrevillea kaže...

Get in 'ere an' bust 'em lungs gal!!!

JuanRa Diablo kaže...

Sometimes the only thing we need to make our dreams come true is the hands that throw us to the sky saying "c'mon, you can fly"
That friend was the blow you needed.
Enjoy it, Mary!!

The Knitting Songbird kaže...

Thanks boys! Like I said, I'm gonna give it all I can and see what happens.

"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get", Forrest Gump said. I'd add, "But more importantly, you have to open the box and try each and every chocolate."